All of our cleaning products are manufactured in Alberta!

About Us
We are a specialty chemical supply distributor and have expanded to include steamer/pressure truck service as well as down-hole paraffin & scale control programs. We supply degreasers and cleaning supplies to the oilfield, hospitality and janitorial industries.
- Pressure wash detergents
- Degreasers
- Hydrocarbon mitigation agents
- H2S Scavenger
- Disinfectants, multi-purpose cleaners
- Enzymes, bio-remediation products
- Floor strippers/waxes
- Kitchen/bathroom/laundry products
- Descaler/acids
- Ekcoscreen™ urinal mats
- Culvert Creep
- Steamer/pressure truck service
- Down-hole paraffin & scale control
- Cooler/fin-fan cleaning
- Culvert thawing
- Equipment washing
- Decal removal
- Product sales: commercial & retail
* All of our products are made in Alberta! We deliver. We re-fill. We give samples! 24/7 cell service. Located at 5717 - 50th Avenue, Drayton Valley, AB.
Phone 780-542-5959 or 780-514-9334